About us

(UNESCO-CWR) was founded in 1994 following the agreement signed by the UNESCO Director General and the Vice Chancellor of the Omdurman Islamic University on behalf of the Sudan Government.

The UNEDCO-CWR is a regional Chair that serves the Nile Basin and Shared Aquifer Countries in the region. Furthermore, it has its International contributions in Water Resources and related fields.

The main objectives of the UNESCO-CWR are to promote integrated research systems, capacity building, information transfer, consultancy, awareness and documentation & dissemination of critical issues in water resources and related fields.

Another prime objective of the UNESCO-CWR is to facilitate and coordinate research collaboration between Universities and research institutions nationally and regionally.

UNESCO-CWR, in meeting its goals, created four working themes that address the above objectives. These themes are: Research studies, Capacity Building, Collaboration & Networking, Consultancy and Documentation & Dissemination of findings.


P.O. Box 1244 Khartoum 11111, Sudan

Tel : (+249 183) 571921 or 571922 or 571923

Fax: (+249 183) 571925

Web site: www.ucwr-sd.org

Email: info@ucwr-sd.org


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